Sunday, May 16, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Why Do We Have a Tongue?
Why Do We Have Five Fingers?
Is There Life In Space?
How Do Bees Make Honey?
I especially liked the podcast on 'What Makes Some Ice Clear and Some Ice White?' Living in Erie, that could be a question that a student would ask me! Kids ask the best questions! In an effort to create a community of learners where each child's contributions are respected, I would have the ability to look up the answer to a proposed question on a podcast. Podcasts in my classroom would not just be a tool for science. Podcasts cover other subject areas where the experts could explain particular concepts in a different way than I would. Math, social studies, language arts and technology integration are all common themes among education podcasts. I will use podcasts not only to answer questions posed by students but to clarify specific concepts in the content areas. (Example: I found a podcast that would be useful for explaining phrasal verbs.
Global Cooperation
Epals is a safe way to communicate, connect, create and collaborate with local, national and international classrooms. This site claims to be the world’s largest K-12 learning network; it is a project oriented site. The site has easy to navigate tabs for projects, teachers, collaborate, students, and families.
National Geographic is a partner in creating this global community. The projects are standards-based and concentrate on topics of global interest. It is extremely easy to choose a project. Some topics include digital storytelling, global warming, people and culture, and natural disasters. Once a teacher has chosen a topic of interest, Epals makes it easy to “connect to classrooms.” With a click of a button, you can search locally by zip code or go international by searching for a specific country. The world is at the teacher’s fingertips! The site provides forums for connecting to classrooms, on-going projects, and epals wanted. In addition to searching for an existing topic, teachers are able to publish project ideas of their own.
Once a topic is chosen and the teacher has found a classroom to connect with, Epals offers suggestions to the teachers for working out the logistical details. The site suggests creating a timeline and choosing the order in which the classrooms will communicate. There are a few pairing possibilities. Teachers can decide to communicate teacher to teacher by the class preparing one letter together. Teachers may decide to pair the students up individually or have groups of students communicate with other groups of students. Customizing the lesson to the specific needs of the two classrooms is also an option.
GlobalSchoolNet is a content driven collaboration. Science, math, literacy, and communication skills are at the forefront of their mission. Another goal is to foster teamwork, prepare students for the workforce and create multi-cultural understanding. The site is more overwhelming than Epals. There are several main programs including Doors to Democracy, International CyberFair, and Geo Games. GlobalSchoolNet claims to have the largest data base for a project registry. Teachers are able to search by “date, age level, geographic location, collaboration type, technology tools or keyword.”
The website is rather congested. The graphics are distracting from the actual content. The site is in the process of converting to a new format; this could be one reason that everything seems just a bit jumbled. Despite that, the variety of programs would encompass something for every classroom. I liked the Doors to Democracy program. The focus is “to encourage middle school and high school students around the world to produce web projects that teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy.” The project is more of a contest and has a $2,000 scholarship as a grand prize.
Both sites focused on communication, connecting, creating and collaborating. GlobalSchoolNet had more of a content focus while Epals had more of a concentrated focus on global interest. I would be more inclined to use Epals. The design of the site was well organized. In choosing a project, these were columns reviewed: Project, Topic, Essential Questions, Overview, and Community.
If I were teaching in the classroom currently, I would use Epals to focus on a project on natural disasters. I would search for a community in Tennessee that has just experienced flooding. I would connect with them to provide my students with a first hand account of what it is like to experience a flood. This could be expanded to other areas of the world that have experienced floods, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters of interest as they pertain to my classroom curriculum.
I really liked the “Who We Are” project on Epals. I would take it a step further and incorporate this project with another tool that we explored earlier in the term, Skype. ( For the Epals project, the idea is to have the two classrooms collaborate on the question “What makes me who I am?” The Epals recommendation for this project is that “through email exchanges, students learn about the daily lives, cultures, climates and geography of children who live in other regions of the world.” I propose that the collaborating teachers of the two global classrooms adjust the project to include skype sessions. Students could email their pen pals but also have a chance to see them “face to face.” What an amazing way to bring international cultures to life in the classroom! Also, skype would be fun to use around the holidays. I could do a lesson on exploring Christmas around the world and connect with different global classrooms. The students could prepare a synopsis of their customs and share with students from other countries without leaving the classroom!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Video Clips in the Classroom
One video that I would use in my classroom is the 50 states and their capitols video. What a unique resource for the students to be able to use when learning the capitols! Informational songs are fun and really help students retain the information. I still remember the 50 states song from when I was in elementary school. This video would serve as another tool for my students success.
RSS: The New Killer App for Educators
One interesting post that I found was from Cool Cat Teacher. The title of the post was "What is the Deal with this Ning thing?" The author was discussing Ning's decision to downsize and begin charging for their normally free resources. Her perspective was interesting. She mentioned that it was their company and they owe it to their investors to be profitable, but she fears educators will not be given an option to pay to save what they have already posted on the free educational sites.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A learner is like...
Video: The Changing Nature of KnowKnowledge
Siemens, G. (2005, January). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Retrieved November 20, 2005.
Practicing Connectivism through Social Networking
In exploring the world of social networking, I came across the Edublogger World site. This site is an amazing resource for presentations and photographs. It also serves as a useful forum to ask other educators for ideas. For my student teaching, I taught geography in a middle school setting. I can see how this connection to other teachers around the world would help make for a more authentic experience in a geography classroom. I could ask for helpful tips, different traditions, and clarification on questions that arise. This networking site would benefit the quality of the geography lessons for my students by enabling me to bring a 'real world' approach into a book oriented classroom.
My Blog List
#dda27 Book Spine Alchemy Spell7 years ago
MOD 914 years ago
Science Podcast14 years ago
Podcasting: Resource for the Classroom14 years ago