Sunday, April 18, 2010

Video Clips in the Classroom

When I was doing my student teaching, I had the fortune of working in a school that had a Smartboard in every classroom. It was so great to be able to pull up a video on Lewis and Clark to reinforce what we read in the history book. When we were talking about Russia and Ukrainian eggs, I found a video that gave the history and showed the actual collection of the famous eggs. When we were talking about the famous composer Tchaikovsky, I found a video of his work. Having another source of information for the students really helps bring the concepts to life!
One video that I would use in my classroom is the 50 states and their capitols video. What a unique resource for the students to be able to use when learning the capitols! Informational songs are fun and really help students retain the information. I still remember the 50 states song from when I was in elementary school. This video would serve as another tool for my students success.

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